Mushrooms and other Fungi of south west Western Australia


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South west Western Australia is a world-renowned biodiversity hotspot. It includes a vast area, ranging from north coastal Kalbarri down to Ravensthorpe in the south east, and west across to Cape Naturalist and Cape Leeuwin and includes Perth.  Many of the macrofungi illustrated in this brochure may be found across the region. A large number of species remain unnamed, presenting an exciting field of research.

This guide is organised by morphogroups, i.e. groups of fungi with recognisable similarities of form, structure and texture.  The largest of these are the Mushrooms – generally fleshy fungi with a cap, gills and stem.  They are depicted on one side of this guide, while on the reverse, groups: Boletes, Polypores, Puffballs, Earthstars, Morels, Cups and Clubs, Stinkhorns, Jellies, Toothed, Skin and Leather fungi and two species of Slime Moulds are shown.

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