Investigating Fungi (for teachers)


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Investigating Fungi  by Gwen Pascoe, is a very large (50 x 36.5cm), easy to read book for primary school teachers and children.

Front and back cover

It explains the parts of some large fungi and how they grow and includes case studies of common and unusual fungi and ideas for children on how to investigate them.

The book has excellent, large photos of fungi by Bruce Fuhrer and detailed illustrations.

The book shows children how to:

• make a fungus terrarium;
• measure the water content in fungi that have gills
• create spore prints

Although printed in 1994 and some of the names of fungi have changed, this can be a starting point for discussion about scientific naming and how to look up the most current name.

Most of the fungi in the book are included in our Fungimap 100 Target List so it can be used as an introduction to becoming a Fungimap citizen scientist helping us map these distinctive Australian species of fungi.